How Payday Loans Work - A Last Resort?

What they fail to understand is that though the debt problems can be attributed to the use of payday loans, they should actually be endorsed to the misuse of payday loans. Payday loans should be considered as a last resort for very particular financial situations.

Knowing how payday loans work will help you to understand how and when to use them in order to avoid the terrible consequences that they are accredited to cause. And you will find that the proper use of payday loans or cash advance loans can save you from a difficult situation and sometimes at comparatively lower costs.

Payday Loans, Cash Advance Loans, Check Loans, Post-dated Check Loans

This kind of loans receive many different names: payday loans, because they are loans that need to be repaid as soon as the payday arrives; Cash advance loans, because they are not regular loans but small amounts you can receive in advance awaiting your salary (employers providing cash advances used to be a common practice); check loans and post-dated check loans because the borrower writes a check payable in the due date (usually two weeks later or a month at most).

Regardless of the name, these loans are small loans that are awarded without credit verifications against a promise of payment (usually checks or debit authorizations). The short term, and high fees are a consequence of the high risk involved in these financial transactions where the only assurance for the lender is the promise of repayment (the check can bounce; the account can have no funds, etc.).

When To Use Them; A Last Resort

Though a last resort may sound extreme, that is exactly the approach that should be used when it comes to payday loans. If you can obtain the funds you need by other means, you should exhaust every other option (financial products with lower APRs, friends, family, etc.) before deciding to apply for a payday loan.

Also, payday loans should be considered as a financial option only when there is an emergency for which you have not kept the proper savings to face it. Emergency situations arise all the time (medical bills and medicine purchases, emergency trips, etc.) and thus you need to be prepared. Also, they can be an option if the debt you need to pay would carry high penalty fees if left unpaid or if it would seriously damage your credit.

People tend to think that payday loans are the only option when their credit cards are maxed out. But truth is that, when credit cards are maxed out it is time for cutting dramatically on expenses and not acquiring additional debt. You need to bear in mind that as opposed to credit cards, there are no minimum payments on payday loans.
You will need to repay the loan in full and thus, you will not be able to use the money to cancel credit card balances which can be left unpaid with the consequently penalty fees and bad inputs on your credit report. Thus, payday loans should be used as an emergency solution and only if you are positive that you will be able to repay the loan.


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